Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!

2007 was an interesting year and I'm ready to move onto 2008. I am starting the year off with some drama... My mom had cancer the end of last year and kicked it's ASS and is in remission. I know the battle with Cancer is life long, but she's doing great with that. She is now battling a ruptured disk in her back. Tomorrow she needs spinal fusion surgury to fuse the c5 and c6 veretbrates together. She is in so much pain, it is very hard for me to see. She is such a tough cookie!!! But she will be out of work and recovering for almost 10 weeks. The stressor is that she only has 5 weeks of sick pay through work. I am very worried(as previously posted). But the Lord has a way of figuring things out somehow. I'm not as dedicated to him as some of you, but he has always been there for me... even if my faith is shaken. Now I need him to be with my mom during surgery and recovery... She is strong, but He will make her stronger. Please say a little prayer tomorrow at 1 pm Central time, to give the doctor's the strength to do the surgery well... Thanks!!

My friend started a new contest this month!!! Here is the website:

She is doing weekly prizes this time and has riddles, photos, cartoons, polls, and all kinds of fun stuff... go over and visit and tell her I sent ya!!! It really is fun to read her blog and see everyone's posts. I got my gift from when I won a part of her contest... it was AWESOME!!! Got a plastic scrubbie that she crocheted a flower around... it is so cool. I still have to take a picture and put it on here... but it is awesome!! THanks, AK!!!

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